Africa Addio (Goodbye Africa) (1966), co-directed, co-edited, and co-authored by Gualtiero Jacopetti and Franco Prosperi of Mondo Cane fame, is a must-see red-pill documentary for race-realists. Filmed between 1963 and 1965 in Kenya, Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Rwanda, Angola, the Belgian Congo, and South Africa, Africa Addio chronicles the exit of the British and Belgian colonial powers from Africa, as well as the attempts of the Portuguese and South Africa whites to hold on.
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What if Hitler was an anti-racist? See what anti-racism is really about.
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Black criminals run wild when there is lax law enforcement. Here's what to do about it.
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Will anyone else ever tell you that a black person is 34 times more likely to attack a white person than the other way around?
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The United States used to be a country that honored the people who built it and made it great. Now, it treats whites as the enemy.
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If the regime does not change, it will have become an enemy of the American people. We owe it no more loyalty than it shows us.
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You have to wonder why our rulers want us to swallow the idea that race is a "social construct." Do they really think this will stop "racism" — whatever that is — or is this a humiliation ritual that neuters us psychologically by making us spout nonsense?
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UN bureaucrats issue orders that sound like they come right out of Critical Race Theory 101.
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There is wholesale substitution of blacks for white characters in the movies. Is this supposed to encourage blacks or demoralize whites? Solution: Don't watch this rubbish.
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A half-million dollars couldn't find "white supremacy" in physics. No doubt, the National Science Foundation will just spend more.
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Blacks and Hispanics get sick because of "systemic racism." Therefore, they deserve "medical restitution," which means better treatment than for whites.
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Jared Taylor explains the absurd lengths to which our rulers go to hide the facts about race — but they can't fool all the people all the time.
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Why do white people love to lick boots? Old, frail, wheel-chair-bound Pope Francis crosses the Atlantic to spend a week kissing the hands of Indian chiefs and heaping scorn on his own church.
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Jared Taylor lists the worst ideas in human history and explains that two of them are still on the loose.
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Jared Taylor marvels at the chorus of loonies who say recent Supreme Court rulings are "white supremacy." What will they say if the court finds that "equal protection of the law" applies even to white people?
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Jared Taylor looks at the data. Either you have to be crazy to be a liberal or trying to believe what liberals claim to believe drives you crazy. At least for a lot of people.
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Jared Taylor on a few encouraging, overlooked triumphs of sanity.
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Jared Taylor explains the real American gun problem with facts you will find nowhere else.
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Jared Taylor explains an ominous State Supreme Court ruling that officially establishes whites as second-class citizens.
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Joseph Biden has ordered every federal bureaucrat to make "diversity" a central part of the job. Where does that leave white people?
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Jared Taylor describes the sick lengths to which an elite school will go to magnify and even encourage "despicable acts."
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Joe Biden has engineered such a calamity on the southern border that even Democrats are worried, but Title 42 isn't the solution. We need a return to first principles.
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Jared Taylor laughs at lefties who are terrified to think that Twitter might stop muzzling us. They must know that when there is real free speech, we win.
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Jared Taylor explains that we have the stupidest system in the world for acquiring new citizens.
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Recently passed California legislation will lead to a colossal racial train wreck. As Jared Taylor explains, crazy ideas have crazy consequences.
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States and cities have stopped enforcing laws that blacks and Hispanics keep breaking, and the result is chaos. There is a better way to achieve "equity."
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Conservatives are angry because Yale law students shouted down a forum on free speech. It's a little late for that. Censorship is now the American way — especially since February 24.
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"Guaranteed income" cash giveaway programs are all the rage, but they're not for white people. We just pay for them.
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The clearest, most factual explanations are the most heretical.
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Bills are working their way through Congress that would reduce whites to peonage.
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After all legal barriers were removed, blacks were supposed to rise to the level of whites. They didn't, so white standards are now "racist" and have to be scrapped. Making black behavior the norm is destroying the country.
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The ADL is so confused, it wants you to explain to it what racism is. According to its current "interim" definition, the state of Israel is racist, but calling someone the N-word is not.
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Dr. F. Roger Devlin gives a fascinating account of the role of envy in race relations, detailing societies in which envy plays a powerful role. Dr. Devlin notes that envious groups can “embrace even failure itself as a badge of identity.” Dr. Devlin concludes that if blacks and whites must live together, society must teach that white success does not depend on black failure and that everyone must succeed by his own efforts.
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Jared Taylor notes that "our country is sick," and offers a diagnosis. Mr. Taylor says the racial dividing line is so clear and bright it should “should dazzle even whites who are deliberately blind.” He concludes with optimism: “All of you,” he said, "have the blood of those heroes in your veins, and like our noble forebears, we will fight and will be victorious.”
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Gregory Hood speaks about how European-Americans are the ones with real grievances in America — as they suffer from government discrimination, media defamation, and a complete lack of political representation. Mr. Hood charged that “we have practically dismantled our entire civilization” but have received almost nothing in return. He concludes with a rousing call to action.
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"Kol Nidre” prayer, "Eli, Eli” hymn, and the deception behind changing Jooish names (The Name Stealers).
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Israel was behind the false flag attacks on the USS Liberty and on 9/11. Watch out for one against Russia.
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What could Hitler have possibly had against a subversive communist element?
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This video is a compilation of some of the great speeches of Adolf Hitler. The history books, Hollywood, mainstream media and governments all over the world have blatantly censored these so that you never wake up to the truth about Adolf Hitler, what he really was and stood for. Instead, they have created and perpetuated lies and deceit. They re-wrote the history books, created endless mountains of propaganda demonizing Adolf Hitler and concealing the great work that he had accomplished, the knowledge and wisdom that he had to pull it all off and the secrets to his incredible success.
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As usual, when it comes to race, we're supposed to believe that ignorance is bliss.
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Communism and Bolshevism not only committed the greatest genocide in recorded human history but that the two and their sister ideologies of Marxism, Leninism, and Stalinism all of which are essentially the same (varying only in the number of millions murdered in a Jooish ritual sacrifice to them), are JOOISH ideologies from beginning to end. A menace that threatens the entirety of humanity but especially the European White man, to this very day, more than ever before in history.
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The Washington State Supreme Court is quietly rewriting the law brazenly to disadvantage whites. It's worse than you think.
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A concise history lesson regarding the "chosen ones."
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Frank Raymond was born in the Indian subcontinent and spent his early life in Calcutta, Darjeeling, and Dhaka in Bangladesh. He went to college and university in England, and later returned to Bangladesh, where he spent many years running an industrial business and immersing himself in the mind and culture of the people of India. For the past 20+ years Raymond has resided in Vancouver, BC, and due to witnessing the slow destruction of the once-proud Canada, he was inspired to write his first book, “Sweet Dreams and Terror Cells.”
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As a person of East Indian ethnicity with broad exposure to both the colored and Caucasian races, minds and cultures, he is able to provide an outsider’s insight into the white mind, and show how it differs from the minds of other races. He stands for the principle that every race is unique and valuable, but he opposes the Cultural Marxist and ‘liberal’ tenet that the white race alone is non-existent, worthless and dispensable.
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Turns out most of the modern Christmas songs were written by joos.
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The evil joo on the hill did not like the wholesome Christmas cheer.
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Jared Taylor looks back on the good — and the very, very bad — of 2022.
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Who would want to be white when the race that is supposed to be lathered in "privilege" has become the national whipping boy?
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I talk about the rising tide of racial hatred against White people that some are refusing to acknowledge is happening. Six minutes of this sixteen minute video is a compilation of what people are saying about White people online. Take a look for yourself, and ask yourself: where is all of this going? We can take a peek into the future by examining what is going on in this cultural climate: segregation and hatred of White people, sanctioned by government and law. You can shout all you want that such policies are remedial in nature, but that does not make it so. It is not true that people of color don't have the power to discriminate against White people. It's just that we are taking advantage of our newfound cultural power and change in social dynamics to propagate this falsehood while engaging in active discrimination. The schoolyard bully often says "I'm not bullying you" as he does just that. We're going backwards. "History doesn't repeat but it often rhymes."
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Rabbis talking about jooish world takeover schemes.
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Rabbis talking about jooish ideas of coming destruction.
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Kalergi Plan (from Wikipedia): "The Kalergi Plan, sometimes called the Coudenhove-Kalergi Conspiracy, is a far-right, antisemitic, white genocide conspiracy theory, which claims that Austrian-Japanese politician Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi concocted a plot to mix white Europeans with other races via immigration."
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A documentary on the the current anti-white schemes and actions taking place.
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This is a fantastic documentary basically covering the relationship between joos and europeans from the Rothschilds onward. If anyone has any question about why they do what they do, this documentary will explain it. It's basically about what's good for them and bad for us. In The Name of Zion best captures the complete nepotism and how it works against an individualist mindset.
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Truthwillout again proves beyond doubt that the western countries both "victorious and the defeated" after World War Two have been covertly under Communism since 1945. New World Order - Communism by backdoor is the second documentary from Truthwillout after his unforgettable debute documentary "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told."
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The definitive truth about 9/11 and Israeli connections.
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The Biggest Cover-Up In History. This documentary tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know.
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WWII holocaust explained in detail.
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Many think they understand what's going on. Please let me tell you something ... 95% don't have a clue, and that's by design. The head of the snake and the massive power behind the Ukraine War to Covid, everything before, in-between and beyond is one specific group. It's always been them, for the last thousand years. They are and have always been a pariah on humanity. So many things that don't make sense with our world at the moment, are connected and scripted. It's to enrich them and pave a path for their global domination while diluting and ultimately eliminating the White European bloodline. The New World Order is their construct. The Kalergi Plan is in full swing. I'm proving what few have the courage to say.
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Many think they understand what's going on. Please let me tell you something ... 95% don't have a clue, and that's by design. The head of the snake and the massive power behind the Ukraine War to Covid, everything before, in-between and beyond is one specific group. It's always been them, for the last thousand years. They are and have always been a pariah on humanity. So many things that don't make sense with our world at the moment, are connected and scripted. It's to enrich them and pave a path for their global domination while diluting and ultimately eliminating the White European bloodline. The New World Order is their construct. The Kalergi Plan is in full swing. I'm proving what few have the courage to say.
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Many think they understand what's going on. Please let me tell you something ... 95% don't have a clue, and that's by design. The head of the snake and the massive power behind the Ukraine War to Covid, everything before, in-between and beyond is one specific group. It's always been them, for the last thousand years. They are and have always been a pariah on humanity. So many things that don't make sense with our world at the moment, are connected and scripted. It's to enrich them and pave a path for their global domination while diluting and ultimately eliminating the White European bloodline. The New World Order is their construct. The Kalergi Plan is in full swing. I'm proving what few have the courage to say.
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This video was adapted from Richard Houck's article "The war against Whites in advertising" and was banned from YouTube in 2019. It had around 250,000 views and 18,000 likes before it was censored. It flew under the radar and then exploded out of nowhere for about a month before it was removed.
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The joos and their schemes are behind the massive push for miscegenation.
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HUD announces exciting government-funded program to make sure you have your fair share of degenerate neighbors.
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Survey results show how much college students oppose free speech. Women are as bad as BIPOCs.
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Is the White race committing suicide?
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Who really was MLK, or should we call him Michael King?
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Holocaust survivors talk about playing soccer with guards, participating in plays and getting paid during Auschwitz.
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The controversial documentary by David Cole. Aided by the notorious Ernst Zündel, they questioned the facts surrounding Auschwitz that eventually led to a contract on his head by the ADL before he went into hiding. Ernst Zündel had been persecuted and harassed to no end for having the courage to question such a serious topic.
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The most watched documentary by The Fascifist.
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Know your enemy.
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The Jooish scholar explains why Zionism and Joodaism are not necessarily the same thing and why he believes that Israel as a state is not legitimate.
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This video will fact check every claim made in the infamous video from the Proud Family (the new woke version). Here I will debunk all the false claims made in this video with historical facts.
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Gregory Hood guest-hosts for Jared Taylor to break down the coming end of Australia Day because of the demands of "Aboriginal" activists. (Whether they are actual Aboriginal is another question.) He warns that if whites aren't willing to say the creation of Australia and other Western countries is a good thing, every national tradition, and every white nation itself, will be redefined on the basis of self-hatred and shame.
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When I was 32, I found out I was practically a Bantu.
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An in-depth investigation of the accusations of ritual murder leveled against Joos over the centuries. For most of history, belief in Jooish ritual murder was widespread. But since WW2, with the rise of Jooish ownership of the mass media, objective discussion of these cases is strongly discouraged. Every accusation of Jooish ritual murder, no matter how well proved it might have been in its time, has become a “blood libel” in today’s media.
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Joe Biden is quietly turning the entire federal government into a giant discrimination machine against white men.
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One in 25 black men will kill someone during their lifetimes. For white men, the figure is one in 425.
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We had better remember this vicious thug because no one else will.
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Universities are brainwashing camps run by fanatics. If we let them, they will destroy Western Civilization and the people who built it.
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"Conservatives" have lost the argument before they even open their mouths if they are afraid to talk about race.
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Jared Taylor reminds white people: You break it, you bought it.
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We just got a vivid demonstration of official contempt for white people.
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The America we once knew is gone, and this one is collapsing. Jared Taylor says there is only one solution.
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Exposing israel and joos.
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James Wickstrom covers information regarding joos and the lie of white supremacy.
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If you're not sharing this video, with urgency, to absolutely everyone you know, then you're simply a willing participant in your inevitable demise. The high level of ignorance on this subject is how we got here in first place. Our world is about to change for the worse. Not understanding why and who's responsible, leaves you and everyone you care about at their mercy. This is where we're at now. All by design. Time's up.
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The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens – A Dramatic Saga of Intrigue, Propaganda and Subversion (1959) – George Lincoln Rockwell The poor hens need to move in with the ducks, they have nowhere to go! But it is also good to ask the question: Why and from whom are they fleeing? Maybe the one who kicked them out have something to say too.
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"A Last Appeal to Reason", Adolf Hitler's speech before the Reichstag in July 19th 1940, which was dropped by a German aircraft over Swansea in August 1940.
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Dr. James P. Wickstrom presents.
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It's a religion with priests, martyrs, rituals, and doctrines that are obviously false.
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A popular speculation throughout the last 2,000 years, is the belief that joos have engaged in this ritualistic murder and human sacrifice. however, most joos today will completely deny it and accuse you of antisemitism. They have even created a phrase for this type of accusation, they call it, blood libel. Lets uncover the truth and go over the many primary citations!
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David Duke explains the jooish role in slavery.
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An Executive Order would wipe clean everything an officer knows about different groups of human beings.
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Showcasing anti-White discrimination in advertising.
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Joe Biden says "white supremacy" is "the most dangerous threat to the US." He — and his top advisors — are parroting ADL nonsense.
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If Americans deserve congressmen of their own race, what else do they deserve?
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Jared Taylor explains the origins of today's sexual madness and what will cure it.
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Still to this day, no one has done a better job presenting this data.
Black Crime Matters - A Comprehensive look at Black Crime and the Future of White America
By Emily Youcis 2020
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Outlawing race preferences is, of course, a victory for "white supremacy."
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The campaign to subvert, degrade, and eventually destroy everything.
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Actually, whenever a BIPOC does something lefties don't like, that makes him a "white supremacist."
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In a brilliant move, a black lawmaker proposes a perfectly Constitutional law to require racial discrimination in sentencing.
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The NYPD's own annual report shows that if New York City were all white, murder would drop by 90 percent, and "shootings" would practically disappear.
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Jared Taylor says he has never seen so much anti-anti-white litigation and activism. Are white people waking up?
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Jared Taylor interviews Flemish nationalist and former Belgian parliamentarian Dries Van Langenhove, who lays out bold plans on how whites must respond to unprecedented threats.
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The campaign to deny the obvious is not just dangerous; it's vicious.
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Jared Taylor of American Renaissance cites gene studies (GWAS), expert opinion on heredity, meta-analysis of IQ testing, and common-sense observations to explode the egalitarian myth.
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Jared Taylor of American Renaissance explains why the fight to censor "racist" science is terrible for race relations.
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Why do we have to import everyone else's racial/ethnic problems when we can't even come near solving our own?
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